Saturday, April 17, 2010

Some great books I have enjoyed... while you wait for my next painting

This is a great book - just thought I'd pass on a recommendation

  It is dog-eared Oil Painter's Solution Book Landscapes: Over 100 Answers to Your Oil Painting Questionswith love...

Off to paint - I PAINT EVERY SINGLE DAY but will update this blog at least once a week, and sometimes more ... with tips, hints, or daily musings and of course my art
Have a great day!


  1. I love this book, too,, Claire! And you'll find a lot of Canadian bloggers - Manon Doyle is living in the US, but she has a great blog with a huge following that she's built up slowly but surely. She visits lots of blogs, too, and works Facebook, so people se what she does. You should check her out!

  2. Thanks Kelley.... off I go!!! This is fun!
    Everyone is doing such beautiful work and the blogs let us see what we never could before!!!
