It has been a while since I posted but I overdid things and have had to rest and take a bit of time
I am trying to slow things down and adjust to an entirely new life with some health issues that are difficult
Painting is difficult for me physically but wonderful for the soul and spirit although I have to paint in little bits ...
Painting and Knitting are my passions - and my work is selling and people are loving it all - so I am grateful because I truly just want to paint and make the artwork and it is so rewarding when people tell me how much they appreciate it or how beautiful it is and gratifying to send it off to a new home where it can be enjoyed
I've been painting and reading and knitting and of course, walking my dog and spending time with my husband ... I just have not taken the time to blog as I wanted to post photos of my paintings and have had trouble taking the pics of my work. FB and websites and emails all take time too ... so I have been trying to focus on slowing it all down and that will give me time to produce the work and rest. It all takes time so hopefully this quote from a lovely friend will be enough for this blog post - In the meantime I will be trying to take photos of my art and painting so you can see it and enjoy it too!
Here is a quote from Vincent Van Gogh as written in the book--Hand That
Paints the Sky.
"You do not know how paralizing that staring of a
blank canvas is; it says to the painter, You can't
do anything.....Many painters are afraid of the
blank canvas, but the blank canvas is afraid of the
really passionate painter who is daring---and
who has once and for all broken that spell of
'you cannot.' "
And so it is with life.
I like this quote and although I have not read this particular book, I have thoroughly enjoyed numerous books about Van Gogh and other artists and their lives ... fascinating reading for me, especially when I am resting and not able to paint, it is fun to read about the artists - Happy Painting to you
I am so glad life is still letting you do the things you want Claire. I have for one so missied your blogs.